Five Questions That May Determine If You’re Eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits

Five Questions That May Determine If You’re Eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits

You’ve worked for years and a portion of your paycheck has gone to social security, which includes social security disability insurance. Should the unthinkable happen and you develop a severe disability, you want to be able to access these funds.

At Advanced Spine Care and Pain Management, our team has the experience you need to navigate accessing your social security disability insurance. The most important hurdle is qualifying for the benefits.

Here, we review the five qualification questions that you need to consider.

1. Are you working?

If your disability or medical condition is preventing you from working or engaging in a substantial gainful activity (SGA), then you meet the first requirement.

For 2022, the Social Security Administration (SSA) defines SGA as any work in which you earn more than $1,350 per month ($2,260 if you’re blind). If you earn more than this, you don’t qualify for disability benefits.

2. Is your condition severe?

Defining “severe” is tricky and subjective, but the SSA has come up with the following: “Your condition must significantly limit your ability to do basic work-related activities, such as lifting, standing, walking, sitting, or remembering — for at least 12 months.”

3. Is your condition on the list of qualifying conditions?

Here again, defining disability is complex, but the SSA has broken down the conditions by major body systems. The list is long, so we recommend that you click here for the full explanation.

4. Are you unable to perform the work you previously engaged in?

To assess your disability, the SSA will want to know whether you can engage in any work activity that you’re previously performed. Be aware that this doesn’t just apply to your last job, but any work you’ve performed in the past.

5. Can you do another type of work?

Not only does the SSA require you to prove that you can’t perform any of your previous jobs, they will first look to see if there are other jobs that you can perform in your current condition.

How we can help

As you can see, qualifying for SSA disability benefits is arduous and the government agency will ensure that you meet or exceed the requirements we list above. In fact, many people are turned down on their first attempt.

To better navigate SSA disability insurance, it’s important that you have an experienced team in your corner that understands the requirements. At our practice, we’ve helped many patients with the application process, as well as any further information that the agency needs to determine your eligibility. 

Our experience is invaluable, as we know the ins and outs of the system and our goal is the same as yours — to ensure that you can pay your bills and make ends meet.

If you need help with your disability benefits, please contact one of our offices in Hartsdale or Staten Island, New York.

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