Four Causes of Hip Pain

Four Causes of Hip Pain

You’re having trouble sleeping on your side because of hip pain, or perhaps your hips are stiff when you take your first steps in the morning. These are just two signs of underlying hip issues that may warrant closer attention.

To help you determine whether you should be concerned about hip pain (though we think all pain is cause for concern), the team here at Advanced Spine Care and Pain Management pulled together some information on four different hip issues and their treatments.

1. Arthritis

If you’re experiencing ongoing pain in your hip, one of the most common culprits is arthritis, typically osteoarthritis (OA) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

With OA, the protective cartilage inside your hips is breaking down, which creates pain and inflammation inside the joint. We often refer to this type of arthritis as wear-and-tear arthritis, as it typically develops as you get older.

The hip pain associated with OA is usually a nagging pain, though it can flare after using your hips. On top of the pain, you may experience stiffness in your hips, especially when you first get moving in the morning.

With RA, your body’s immune system attacks the linings of your joints, which can lead to the same joint pain and inflammation that OA creates.

2. Tendon pain

If you’re experiencing pain on the outside of your hip, this could be a sign of tendonitis in the tendons that connect your hip to your gluteal muscles. Tendonitis occurs when you develop tiny tears in the connective tissue, which leads to inflammation and pain.

3. Bursitis

Another issue that can cause pain in your hip is bursitis. Each of your hips features two major bursae sacs — one located on the outside of your hip at the greater trochanter and the other located inside your hip (near your groin) called the iliopsoas bursa. 

These bursae are small, fluid-filled sacs that provide cushioning and support. With bursitis, these sacs become inflamed, which can cause hip pain.

4. Hip fractures

This final cause of hip pain is more common as you get older and your bones become more brittle and prone to breaking. This type of hip pain is acute, but a fracture can lead to chronic problems, such as arthritis, if the original fracture doesn’t heal well.

Diagnosing and treating your hip pain

Your first step toward pain-free movement is to come in so that we can properly diagnose your hip pain. After reviewing your symptoms, conducting an exam, and using advanced imaging technology, we can identify the source of your hip pain and design an appropriate treatment plan, which may include:

While we’ve outlined four of the more common causes of hip pain here, there are others, which is why seeking our medical help is important. If you want relief from your hip pain, contact us at one of our offices in Hartsdale or Staten Island, New York, to set up an appointment.

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