How to Manage Arthritis During the Colder Months

Winters in New York can be long, and they're made even longer if you’re struggling with arthritis flare-ups due to the colder temps. If you’re tired of dealing with joint pain during this season, there are ways to manage your arthritis so that you can remain active and pain free.

Our team here at Advanced Spine Care and Pain Management understands how limiting joint pain can be, which is why we encourage patients to take matters into their own hands. While we can do our part to reduce the pain and inflammation in your joints, you can do your part at home so that you’re not miserable during the winter.

Here are a few tips to help you manage your arthritis this winter.

Out and about

We understand that the cold temps and gray skies may not be beckoning you outside, but we urge you to consider that your joints are made to move. One of the best ways to offset arthritis during the winter is to remain active, which can simply mean a walk around the block a few times a day. Not only does this get your joints moving, it can help with any cabin fever you may develop during winter.

If you’d prefer to stay indoors, find a gym or take a walk somewhere that’s enclosed, such as a nearby mall. During these uncertain times with viral infections, however, these venues may not be ideal. To best protect yourself, you can sign up for the many on-line exercise classes that have popped up since the pandemic.

The bottom line is that any activity that moves your joints is arguably the best thing you can do to offset arthritis pain.

Here comes the sun

If the cloudy and cold days are just too much and you prefer to exercise indoors, we still urge you to head out when the sun peeks through. The sun is your primary source for vitamin D, which plays a role in inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. So, when the sun shines, head out and soak it in.

Keep it warm

While we encourage you to get outside, please ensure that your body is fully insulated against the cold. The cold temperatures can make the synovial fluid in your joints thicker, and any drop in barometric pressure can cause your joints to expand. By dressing warmly, you can encourage lubrication within your joints for easier movement, not to mention promote better blood circulation.

When you dress to go out, pay close attention to your extremities, which often bear the brunt of the cold. This means you should ensure that you have a good hat, socks, and gloves before heading outdoors.

Get a grip

If you’ve got achy knees or arthritic hips, be sure to wear good winter shoes that provide plenty of traction. The last thing your arthritic joints need is a fall on the ice, which will only add to your pain.

Have a soak

One of the best things about winter is that feeling you get when you shake off the cold. If you head outside on a frigid day, give your joints a little treat by soaking them in a nice warm bath afterward.

If you’d like to explore more ways to keep your arthritis pain from flaring this winter, please contact one of our two offices in Staten Island or Hartsdale, New York.

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