If You're in Pain, Consider Trigger Point Injections

If you’ve suffered from chronic pain, you know how discouraging it can be. Chronic pain often leaves you with feelings of hopelessness and a sense that your symptoms may never subside, no matter what you do.

Here at Advanced Spine Care and Pain Management, our pain-management physicians, Dr. Shailesh (Shay) Pathare, and Dr. Sathish Modugu, understand the frustration that chronic pain patients are often faced with. That’s why we offer a myriad of effective, minimally-invasive treatments for you, including trigger point injections.

We like our patients to know the benefits of trigger point injections, as well as any possible side effects and risks, so that you can make an informed decision and discover if the treatment is the right solution for you.  

Trigger points are painful

Trigger points are the central areas of your muscle spasms. They’re usually, but not always, situated in the upper back and shoulder regions, but can also be located in the lower back and less commonly in the hands and feet. Trigger points are tender and cause pain when touched or pushed.

What is a trigger point injection?

A trigger point injection is inserted directly into the trigger point. The medication used in the injection is a combination of a steroid and an anesthetic. The injection helps to alleviate any knots, soreness, and tenderness that you may be experiencing. We perform the treatment while you’re sitting or lying down. It takes only a couple of minutes and can be done during an outpatient visit in our office.

Pain management that’s convenient

The risk of complications from trigger point injections is incredibly low and fairly uncommon. Patients generally report feeling brief numbing or soreness at the injection point. This usually subsides within a few days and is easily treated with heat, ice, or over-the-counter painkillers, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or naproxen sodium.

Is a trigger point injection right for me?  

If you’re experiencing chronic pain and are looking for a noninvasive outpatient procedure, you may want to consider trigger point injections. With over 40 years of combined experience, Dr. Pathare and Dr. Modugu understand that making a decision about your treatment options when it comes to chronic pain is not an easy process. That’s why our team takes the time to discuss your individual needs and unique requirements to formulate a treatment plan that benefits you and eases your pain.

Chronic pain doesn’t have to control your life. To make an appointment, call one of our offices in Staten Island or Hartsdale, New York.

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